Sponsoring the National Outdoor Expo

We are delighted to be once again joining the National Outdoor Expo at the NEC on 23-24th March 2024.

Last year, we took over the area through our outdoor skills and knowledge project, Explore Our Nature. This year, we are hosting The Bushcraft Zone for new and established instructors. Alongside some of the most recognisable organisations in the country, such as the British Mountaineering Council, the Scouts, and Mountain Rescue, as well as a large number of popular brands, we will be bringing one of the ways people can learn traditional ecological knowledge to the show.

Why the bushcraft zone?

Fellow sponsors for the National Outdoor Expo 2024.

Ethnoecology explores the relationship between human societies and their environments, emphasising the cultural dimensions of ecological knowledge. Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is a central component of ethnoecology, encompassing the wisdom and practices developed by indigenous and local communities over generations. These knowledge systems are deeply rooted in a profound understanding of local ecosystems, fostering sustainable interactions between people and their environments.

Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in connecting with nature and ancestral skills, leading to the rise of bushcraft as a popular pastime. Bushcraft enthusiasts immerse themselves in the outdoors, drawing on elements of TEK for survival skills and sustainable living. Fire lighting, natural crafts, and campfire cooking are prime examples of bushcraft intertwining with traditional ecological knowledge. Through these practices, enthusiasts gain practical skills a profound appreciation for the environment and a sense of connection to ancestral ways of life.

As the popularity of bushcraft grows, it becomes a bridge between contemporary society and traditional ecological knowledge, fostering a renewed respect for the intricate balance between humans and nature. The resurgence of these practices highlights the timeless relevance of ethnoecology and the enduring wisdom embedded in traditional ecological knowledge.

For more information, please visit: https://nationaloutdoorexpo.com/


Creating the Centre for Ethnoecology